Delivering the Highest Level of Educational, Professional Expertise to help our Clients Meet and Exceed their Technical Project needs.
We Specialize in Technical and Professional Human Factor. Engineering and Design Services
Experience with Multiple Fortune 500 Companies.
applications that address all aspects of contingent labor.
automates the management of your contingent workforce.
MSP Solution provides a centralized program to manage deliverables.
Global Alliances gives your company enterprise visibility and control.
Management automation and solutions that address all aspects of contingent labor workforce specific to your business
Our technology application automates the management of your contingent workforce full cycle process
MSP Solution provides a centralized program to manage deliverable Services Procurement processes
Global Alliances gives your company enterprise visibility and control of your entire worldwide contingent workforce
Managing contract and temporary labor is complex, costly and can distract your organization from its core business. We have proven automation and solutions.
Management solutions that address all aspects of contingent labor. Our vendor-services allow you to reduce the true drivers of your costs.
From temporary labor to professional contractors, from consultants to project-based programs. Your bases are covered.
Administrative processes, legal risk and supplier optimization. Every business is unique and you require more than general services.
Customization gives you complete control while tackling every phase of the labor cycle that's applicable to your business.
Web enabled streamlined solution with complete start to finish assignment capabilities meeting the dynamic challenges of managing contingent labor.
State-of-the-art architecture developed and driven by the latest technology that is optimized to perform impeccably at all times.
Develop for future digital devices. Works across multiple devices and platforms. Desktop like application and function throughout.
Automation approvals, notifications, triggers and alerts reaching out to your desired levels of management and team members.
Customized by division, department and work group. Requisition release, hiring, onboarding and off boarding process and approvals.
Centralized procurement processes to manage deliverable services offering the advantage of a complete service visible top down.
Web-based technology integrated into client systems that allows project managers to focus on their core responsibilities and tasks.
Automated work order processes, approvals, purchase orders and distribution to ensure all correct procurement steps are taking.
Consolidated and time automated electronic invoicing and billing on set scheduled cycles and procedures for all procurement activities.
Activities and notifications alerting of budgets and other important responsibilities to ensure processes are handled in a timely manner.
Providing global contingent labor management solutions with enterprise visibility and control of your entire worldwide contingent workforce activity and spend.
Visible global labor controls from a one source solutions. Centralized manage and plan for your international workforce needs.
Tracking and financials of multi-currency with real-time currency conversions for aggregate, enterprise-wide reporting.
Sourcing and supply chain management with milestone and deliverable management and evaluation of workforce suppliers.
Automation of global labor procurement cycle from requisition to settlement with robust financial, performance, management reports.
Small or large projects or needing contingent workforce
We're always working to do our very best each and every time!